
You can send emails via external services, such as Mailgun, Mailchimp or SendGrid. Unisave currently has no encapsulating API for all of these services so you need to read through their HTTP API and make requests yourself using the Unisave HTTP Client.

The following is a short tutorial on how to send emails via Mailgun:

Info: Mailgun documentation will guide you through the process of setting up a mailgun account, verifying a domain and sending emails via HTTP requests:

Plain text emails

Before you start making requests towards Mailgun, you need to store API key and other values in your environment:


Now you can load those values from the environment and use them to make an HTTP request towards the Mailgun API:

var key = Env.GetString("MAILGUN_API_KEY");
var apiDomain = Env.GetString("MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN");
var gameDomain = Env.GetString("MAILGUN_GAME_DOMAIN");

var response = Http.WithBasicAuth("api", key)
    .WithFormBody(new Dictionary<string, string> {
        ["from"] = "My Game <>",
        ["to"] = "",
        ["subject"] = "Reset password code",
        ["text"] = 
            $"Your code for resetting password is: {code}\n" +
            $"If you didn't want to reset your password, " +
            $"ignore this email."

response.Throw(); // throws when the response is not "200 OK"

Warning: Make sure you use proper Mailgun API domain. Mailgun uses in their documentation but if you register your game domain to be in the EU, you need to use instead.

Email from template

Mailgun lets you create email templates on their website that can be dynamic - they let you to insert dynamic values into the template at the time of sending.

var key = Env.GetString("MAILGUN_API_KEY");
var apiDomain = Env.GetString("MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN");
var gameDomain = Env.GetString("MAILGUN_GAME_DOMAIN");

var response = Http.WithBasicAuth("api", key)
    .WithFormBody(new Dictionary<string, string> {
        ["from"] = "My Game <>",
        ["to"] = "",
        ["subject"] = "Reset password code",
        ["template"] = "password-reset",
        ["h:X-Mailgun-Variables"] = new JsonObject {
            ["playerName"] = "John Doe",
            ["resetCode"] = code

response.Throw(); // throws when the response is not "200 OK"